Globalskin - Ultimate Skin Shader

by Blendify in Addons

Please see our YouTube "GlobalSkin" playlist for an extensive guide on installing GlobalSkin and using the addon: Go to YouTube

Please join our Discord for questions/feedback and community support: Go to Discord

Installation Guide

GlobalSkin is designed to be simple to install and simple to use. Please follow the steps below to get started.

1. Download GlobalSkin: After purchasing GlobalSkin, download the add-on package from the provided link.

2. Open Blender: Launch Blender on your computer.

3. Access Preferences: Go to Edit > Preferences in the top menu bar.

4. Install Add-on: In the Preferences window, select the "Add-ons" tab. Click the "Install" button at the top right.

5. Locate GlobalSkin: Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the GlobalSkin add-on and select the .zip file.

6. Enable GlobalSkin: Once installed, search for "GlobalSkin" in the search bar of the Add-ons tab. Check the box next to GlobalSkin to enable it.

7. Save Preferences: Click the "Save Preferences" button to ensure GlobalSkin is enabled every time you open Blender.

8. Restart Blender: Close and reopen Blender to complete the installation process.

Usage Guide

1. Access GlobalSkin: With Blender open, locate the GlobalSkin panel. It may be located in the toolbar, the sidebar, or accessed through a specific menu depending on the version and configuration of Blender.

2. Import your Character. Depending on which version of GlobalSkin you purchase, it will be adaptable to various UVs. 

3. Revise the Material you wish to enhance and seamlessly replace it with the "Apply Material" button in GlobalSkin

4. Generate a GlobalSkin Skin: To generate a skin shader, simply click the "Generate" or "Create" button in the GlobalSkin panel.

5. Adjust Parameters (Optional): GlobalSkin offers a large variety of parameters and options to customise your human model. Explore these options to fine-tune your character as desired. You can learn more about customising your models via our YouTube. 

6. Preview and Refine: GlobalSkin provides a real-time preview of your human model as you adjust parameters. Use this preview to refine the appearance of your character until you are satisfied with the result.

7. Finalise and Apply: Once you are happy with your human model, click the "Apply" or "Finalise" button to generate the final mesh within your Blender scene.

8. Integrate into Your Project: Use the generated human model as you would any other Blender object. Position, scale, and animate your character to fit seamlessly into your 3D scene.

9. Save Your Work: Remember to save your Blender project regularly to preserve your progress.

10. Explore Further: Experiment with GlobalSkin's features and settings to discover the full range of possibilities for creating photorealistic human models in Blender. Don't hesitate to refer to the YouTube series or seek support via our Discord if you encounter any issues or have questions about using GlobalSkin.

  • Adapted for the UVs of Daz3D G9 & G8, MetaHuman, HumanGenerator, and CC4 (All 5 UVs) · Early Access Features · Email Support

  • Adapted for Human Generator UVs · Community Support · Free Updates

  • Adapted for CC4 UVs · Community Support · Free Updates

  • Adapted for Daz3D 9 UVs · Community Support · Free Updates

  • Adapted for Daz3D 8 UVs · Community Support · Free Updates

  • Adapted for Metahuman UVs · Community Support · Free Updates


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Sales 1100+
31 ratings
Published 5 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL