Enrich - Add-On For True Visual Compositing

Akash Hamirwasia in Addons

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What is Enrich Add-on?

Enrich is an add-on designed for a visual and layer-based compositing experience in Blender. It minimizes the trouble of setting up nodes for every effect and allows you to experience the fastest and the most creative way of compositing in Blender. Instead of thinking in terms of the nodes to add a style, Enrich forces you to think about the style that you want to add to your render. The add-on automatically creates a node tree that is easy to understand.

Why do I need it?

If you are looking for a way to quickly do the post-production within Blender, without going through the pain of setting up multiple nodes for every effect, then this add-on is for you. You will surely enjoy how Enrich makes it simple for you to do the post-production
Even if you like setting up the nodes from scratch, Enrich is still a good option for you. You can use Enrich as an experimentation tool to quickly try out different looks on your render. Once you are happy with the look, you can jump in the compositor and make advanced changes.

All new Effects system

Enrich add-on 2.0 introduces the concept of Effects. Effects allow you to think in terms of a style you want to add to your render. There are effects for adding Mist, Vignette, color grading, and many more with dedicated controls for easy customization. Effects can be easily combined one over another allowing for a vast combination of looks in just a few clicks. The Effects system is truly designed for a layer-based compositing experience in Blender.


Layer-based workflow becomes exponentially more powerful using masks. This is why Enrich 2.0 introduces Masks that complement the Effects system. Masks allow you to restrict the areas where an effect gets applied. Masks of Enrich are built on the Cryptomatte feature of Blender. This makes masking out complex parts as easy as choosing colors!


Enrich add-on comes with a vast library of ready-made presets that allow you to try out unique moods on your render. These presets are inspired by various filters found in popular photo editing apps and make it super simple to explore new moods on your render. With the new Effects system, it is possible to combine multiple presets together to get looks you'd have never even thought of before! Enrich also allows you to save your node-setups as presets that can be used in future scenes.

No lock-in

Enrich add-on is built on the nodes that come with the Blender's compositor by default. While you are creatively trying out different effects on your render, Enrich maintains a node tree that is neatly arranged and easy to understand. You can jump right into the compositor at any time and make changes.

So, those were the Main Features of the add-on. As you use the add-on, I am sure you will enjoy the speed of post-production inside Blender!

What do artists think about it?

As a post-processing front-end for Blender’s node editor, Enrich is a very welcomed addition. It works like a filter engine that many of us are familiar with from Instagram, Google Photos, etc. It’s so useful for the majority of my compositing situations where I essentially just want to throw a filter on my render rather than hooking up a bunch of nodes. - Kent Trammell, CG Cookie.

Enrich is one of the best compositing workflow enhancement toolkits which gives you unlimited possibilities to post process your artworks. Just truly amazing - Pratik Solanki, Weybec Studio.


So, get the Enrich add-on today, and experience true photo editing workflow directly inside Blender



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Sales 400+
11 ratings
Published over 8 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL