4 months ago
Sorry for the inconvenience. The same as for ttyrtyrty applies:
This likely happens when there is an other instance of engon, megaddon, or some old asset pack addon installed.
Make sure:
- you have no other engons installed (as an addon, or as an extension)
- other polygoniq addons are up to date
- there are no old deprecated polygoniq addons (botaniq_addon, traffiq_addon, megaddon, ...)
You can find all the information in the documentation https://docs.polygoniq.com/engon/1.3.0/getting_started/installation/index.html#addon-installation-conflicts.
To address this we have released a new update recently, that tries to report such issues on startup, however, if an older addon registers before the updated engon, it doesn't have a chance to report. Still, this has to be resolved manually.
If the addon's setup is corrected this way, then preferences are saved as they should be and are kept when the addon is updated. You can also use the 'Import' and 'Export' search paths to backup your asset pack paths on a local drive and reload them if needed.