
by polygoniq in Addons

  • 11% of engon sales here go to Blender DevFund - We're hoping engon will be easy and useful for you. We be improvin' it as time goes by..

  • Support 1 developer for 60 minutes - you get exactly the same but with our thanks for your kind support! Please do share your feedback with us! It's important for everyone that it just works..

  • Support 1 developer for 480 minutes (1 day) - Thank you very much but... You get exactly the same again but really- thanks. Feel free to reach out with a request you might have?

  • Please don't pay this much! We just want to prove a point that running a business is real hard.. :) But don't worry because we love our work! <3 If you do end up paying this much - then you get a secret code - you can book a flight (or a train ride) to Prague - and you get to meet us and sleep over at our office for up to 2 weeks! You also get 4 beers for free.


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Sales 70+
Downloads 27400+
5 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL