Cw Eye - A Procedural Eye Material

Christoph Werner in Surfacing

Do I need textures for using this material?

No. The whole material is procedural. No textures needed.

Is it possible to generate regular texture images from this material?

Yes, you can bake the procedural results into a texture page. To do this please use blenders internal texture baking system. I have prepared a small tutorial video on the Documentation page for beginners how to bake textures.

Following information can be baked into a texture:

  • Color information
  • Bumpmap information (Greyscale image)
  • Normalmap information (Tangent normalmap)
Do I need UVs (Texture coordinates) to use this material?

You don't need any texture coordinates (UVs) to use this material. The UVs will be created automatically.

CW Eye doesn't need a special model. It can be added to any meshes. Of course it's still representing an eye and works best on spheres...


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Sales 200+
4 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 7 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 3.6, 3.0, 2.93
License Royalty Free