Crown Molding Pack

On Sale! by Jeff Lange in Addons

Getting Started

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  1. Download the files onto your computer.
  2. Install and enable the Crown Molding Pack by installing the .zip file. You shouldn’t un-zip this file.
  3. Open the scene where you want to use the Crown Molding Pack.
  4. Press N in the 3D view to show the tool panel if it's hidden, click Tool, and expand the Crown Molding Tools panel if it's hidden.
  5. Click the Append .blend File button to automatically import the CrownMoldingPack collection. It will automatically be disabled in your scene so it doesn't affect your project.
  6. Pick which category of paths you’d like to view in the Category drop-down.
  7. In the large box below the Category section, click to select which path you’d like to choose. If you prefer a list of names, you can do so in the Path Selection drop-down.
  8. In edit mode, select the face of the object where you'd like to put crown molding, like the ceiling.
  9. Click the Convert to CMP Path button. That’s it!

Full Walkthrough

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Here's everything you need to know about the Crown Molding Pack and the Crown Molding Tools add-on.

  • Crown Molding Pack
    • 34 Crown Molding Paths - Typically used where a wall meets the ceiling. You can also use these as a railing, under the edge of a table, as the edge to a picture frame, as the edge to a window or doorway, as the edge of a window pane, as an inset on a wall, door, cabinet, or ceiling, or stacked to create a double-sided railing. These objects are named Ceiling-CrownXX.
    • 25 Window Paths - Can be used on a flat edge, like a door frame, window frame, or picture frame. There are 2 versions of each path, Window-TrimbottomXX and Window-TrimtopXX. This makes adjusting where the trim appears very simple, just change the name to get the other option.
    • 14 Panel Trim Paths - Typically used on a wall, about 3 feet above the ground. Also used for insets and edges for tables. These objects are named Panel-SomethingXX.
    • 10 Wall Trim Paths - Typically used on a wall, about 3 feet above the ground. Also used for insets and edges for tables. These objects are named Wall-SomethingXX.
    • 26 Floor Base Paths - Typically used where a wall meets the floor. These objects are named Floor-SomethingXX.
    • 4 Rail Paths - Used for a handrail. These objects are named Rail-SomethingXX.
    • 5 Corner Trim Paths - 2 corner guards and 3 ply caps (for the top edge of wainscoting). These objects are named Corner-SomethingXX.
    • 20 Picture Frame Paths - Used to create picture frames. These objects are named Picture-FrameXX.
    • 1 Trim Mesh Object - Great for corners of middle trim paths. This object is named za-Misc-Trimcap01.
    • Stats - 138 Unique Paths, 39 new paths since v2.1, 163 total paths.
  • Crown Molding Tools
    • Convert to CMP Path - Works with single or multiple faces and edges. Converts mesh faces or edges to separate curves with the proper rotation, and sets the bevel object to the selected path.
    • Change Path - Changes the bevel object of the selected paths to the current profile selection.
    • Select CMP Paths - Selects all paths with bevel objects.
    • < Previous - Changes the selected path to the previous option.
    • Next > - Changes the selected path to the next option.
    • Tilt - - Works with single or multiple 3D curves. Rotates selected 3D curves tilt by -90 degrees.
    • Tilt + - Works with single or multiple 3D curves. Rotates selected 3D curves tilt by 90 degrees.
    • Tilt <> - Works with single or multiple 3D curves. Rotates selected 3D curves tilt by 180 degrees.
    • Mirror X - Works with all objects. Mirrors objects on the Global X Axis.
    • Mirror Y - Works with all objects. Mirrors objects on the Global Y Axis.
    • Mirror Z - Works with all objects. Mirrors objects on the Global Z Axis.
    • Scale - - Works with single or multiple curves. Decreases the scale of curves without changing the path.
    • Scale + - Works with single or multiple curves. Increases the scale of curves without changing the path.
    • <> Direction - Works with single or multiple curves. Switches the direction of the curve, which will change what side the bevel object appears.
    • Curve 2D - Works with single or multiple curves. Converts selected curves to 2D dimension.
    • Curve 3D - Works with single or multiple curves. Converts selected curves to 3D dimension.
    • 2D/3D - Works with single or multiple curves. Converts selected curves to 2D dimension if they are 3D, and vice versa.
    • Auto-rotate Curve - When enabled, the add-on attempts to rotate the curve so that 2D curves work better. Disable for paths that aren't on a flat X, Y, or Z plane.
    • Documentation - Open the link to this documentation.

Adding Custom Profiles

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Sales 400+
14 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 9 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL