Combined Render

KVD in Addons

4 Scenes Camera:

Pressing the 'Add Cameras' button will add a camera to each scene that was checked in the panel.
You will see that for each checked scene, there is a camera added at the distance you have set previously.
By pressing the 'To Scene' button, next to the scene name in the panel, there can be switched between scenes to make adjustments in that scene.
Each checked scene, will have a collection where the camera and linked empty is located.
For each scene, you adjust your camera as desired.

The camera will always follow the position of the linked empty.

When everything is set and you like to have your renders, you add a name for your image, select your render output path and select your resolution.
The default is the 1920 by 1080, but can be changed to your need.
Pressing the insta-default button, will switch to Instagram resolution, or back to the default.

Pressing render will render 5 images.
One image for each camera of the selected scenes and 1 combined image of all 4 cameras.

By default, the selected folder will open, once the rendering is done.

Object Cameras:

If you want to have a more product like render, where you need some shots from the front, top, left and right, you use the 'object cameras' panel functions.
Choose your scene if you have more than 1 scene.
You select your object and press 'add view cameras'.
Four cameras are being added facing the object.

Selecting the camera positions in the panel, will switch between the 4 views.
The camera will always be facing the object if moved.
Moving the empty or object has the same result.
The camera settings can be changed for each view.

Tracking another object:

Select the other object, press the 'track selected object' button first and the 'center cameras' button last.
Now this object will have the cameras following its position.

You add a name for your image, select your render output path, and select your resolution.
The default is the 1920 by 1080 but can be changed to your need.
Pressing the insta-default button will switch to Instagram resolution, or back to the default.

Pressing render will render 5 images, one image for each viewand 1 combined image of all 4 views.

By default the selected folder will open once the rendering is done.

Changelog V1:

- Initial release for Blender 3.0 until Blender 4.2

Changelog V2:
- Updated version of the addon for Blender 4.2 and Blender 4.3


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL