Clothes in Motion v2.0 is Here
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Addon + Tutorials + Library
Clothes in Motion now comes with an Addon that lets you do so much more. Explore some of the Features Below.
1. Add-on
The Clothes in Motion Add-on comes with a few functions to bring a new light to the way you work with clothes in Blender.
Slap Decals & Objects onto Cloth Simulations such as Zips, Buttons, Thread, Pockets, etc
Slow down & Speed up Cloth Simulations After Baking
Edit Cloth Simulations on the Go. Sculpt Mode & Edit Mode enabled after baking. Letting you fix simulations and even go as far as animating hands into pockets using ShapeKeys.
Simulate Complex Geometry Clothes, Wildvines, Cables & Wiring, Clothing,
Cloth Simulations on RenderFarms
Click and Drop a female Rigged Character from the Library
Quick Cloth and Quick Collision
2. Tutorials
1) Cloth Modelling & Simulation
2) Adding Detail and Rendering
3) Fixing Simulations
4) Fix Sim Example
5) Adding Detail
3. Clothes in Motion Library
A range of 5 Kicks to choose from
All glasses are rigged to make it super easy to fit onto your characters face
All in different shapes and sizes
Easily slap on and simulate buttons onto your clothes.
It's about time innit...
Cap, Fedora Hat, Bucket Hat
And More...
Clothes in Motion v1.0
ClothesInMotion is a package designed to break the limitations of cloth design & simulation in Blender.
The techniques included allow you achieve sophisticated results and high levels of detail when simulating clothes in Blender.
We took on the challenge of seeing things like this
and wanting to see them in Motion and not limited to still renders.
Clothes in Motion V1.0
What’s in it?
1. Video Info
1+ hour, 1280 * 800p, MP4 Format
Teaching you how to create detailed dynamics in Blender without using third party apps, including techniques to creating dynamic outfits and tricks in handling cloth simulations.
Skill Level : Beginner/Intermediate
2. Clothes
The pack includes detailed & dynamic cloth setups for your study and/or use.
Over 10 Unique Customisable Dynamic Top Variations including:
3 Quarter Sleeve Shirt, Jumpsuit, Jumper, Hoodie, Trench-coat, and more.
Over 10 Unique Bottom Variations including:
Tight Mini Skirt, Big Trousers, Pants, Shorts, Boxers, Ripped Pants, Joggers, and more.
3. Character Rig
Customisable, easy to animate character rig.
The Character Rig (along with a few outfits) were inspired by ChesyArts and the hashtag #countryhumans on Instagram. The character Rig is very easy to use. It does not have a facial rig… (doesn’t even have a face actually 😅). It’s made of great topology and is great for fluid character animations to use in your portfolio/projects with it’s generic head. Also you could swap the head with any object or head of your choice to customise it.
4. Shoe Pack (with the box)
5 Shoes + Base model to create your own
The pack contains 5 unique shoes. But what you would love most is the Base Model which you can work off to create your own unique shoes or even a new shoe pack.
The shoes are relatively high poly to look good for close up shots, however they perform well with low subdivision levels thanks to their good geometry as they are made of quads only.
A pair has been synced with the character in the Character_Only.blend file. The manual in the documentation also shows how to sync them with your own rig when using them on another character rig.
The shoes come in two files:
This contains the shoes as single objects with modifiers applied and customisable Subdivision levels.
This file contains the shoes in the raw form without modifiers applied. From here you can easily customise the shape of the shoe and all decals, and also see the components and steps used in creating them.
5. A pack of basic Buttons for... Appendation.... 🤔
6. Legal Notice
The intellectual properties depicted in this model, including the brand “Nike", is not affiliated with or endorsed by the original rights holders. Editorial uses of this product are allowed, but other uses (such as within computer games) may require legal clearances from third party intellectual property owners.
Thank You! Have fun and don't forget to leave a review 😊🤓❤️