Camera Flow Pro

by Coby Randal Media in Addons

Introducing Camera Flow Pro: The Ultimate Tool for Smooth, Professional Camera Movements in Blender

Flies like a drone, stabilizes like a gimbal, and follows with a smooth delay with adjustable automatic procedural smooth-in and smooth-out finesse. Yes, that means a slow parent / damped motion system, enabling you to get SUPER smooth shots, FAST! Even if you're motion input is rough and turbulent. It's fun to play with, and designed to give you the smoothest and best looking camera moves with the least amount of effort. CFP is a robust, intuitive camera rig with a convenient add-on sidebar button panel specially designed to streamline complex operations. Camera Flow Pro is ready for your production. You can do it all in real time auto key recording, manual keyframes, or even set your character / vehicle as the target of Camera Flow Pro to auto follow and auto track + focus. 

Do you also need snappy speeds and some camera shake? Glitched out cuts to various camera angles? Turbulent movements? We got that too! Need to follow a path? Need perfectly seamlessly looping and highly customizable camera shake? A camera crane or track for dynamic changes in perspective that film directors have used for decades? Do you want near effortless speed ramp effects where the camera follows fast but lands incredibly slowly? Adjustably? Say hello to Camera Flow Pro. It's like a virtual camera man that helps you get the sweet shots you want, showing you exactly what you're going to get in real time.

Benefits / Uses:

  • Smooth and gorgeous camera motions, FAST!
  • What you see in live preview is what you get in the final baked to keyframes render.
  • Non-destructive workflow allows you to preview in rig, and bake a copy of the camera for render.
  • One-button tracking/aiming at objects with adjustable following speed and smoothness.
  • One-button following of objects with adjustable following speed and smoothness.
  • Seamlessly looping procedural camera shake for added visual interest.
  • Effortless delay / flow smoothing effects and dynamic experimental camera perspectives.
  • Procedural camera shake can be stretched into full motion paths with various parameters, including seamless looping.
  • One-button camera baking to keyframes for export to other software OR rendering in Blender. Bake also includes Depth of Field Empty object.


All-in-one add-on - Simple and accessible control system.

Easy rig import - Append the Camera Flow Pro rig at the push of a button.

Customizable panel layout - Collapse, reorganize, and resize panels to suit your workflow.

Detailed tool-tips - Stay on track with thorough descriptions for each button and every setting.

Adjustable real-time delay - Super smooth or snappy follows/pans with real-time flow delay presets.

Advanced control options - For artistic and experimental shots.

✅ Dutch tilt options.

✅ Drone effect options like flying loop-de-loops and barrel rolls.

✅ Switch between 3 types of Track-To constraints at the click of a slider.

✅ Various animatable position and tracking offsets for even more artistic control.

✅ Depth of field tracks the same target empty that the Track-To does, with the same real-time adjustable delay / smoothing.

Animations Using Camera Flow Pro:

Flow Presets:

  1. Simple Flow - When standard smoothing is all you need.
  2. Snappy Flow - Quick but still smooth.
  3. Luxe Flow - Creamy and lush, this extravagant motion curve provides both excitement and cushion.

Luxe Flow Controls (Advanced) - When you need extra control parameters + extra presets like:

  1. Classic
  2. Slow Mo Moment  
  3. Magnetic
  4. Splice Drift
  5. Skippy
  6. Speed Splice
  7. Rope Slack Follow
  8. Internet lag

Panel Button Functions:

  • Aiming and Focusing:

    1. Aim - Point the rig at the selected object or 3D cursor.
    2. Focus - Place the camera Track-To object at the 3D cursor.
    3. Aim+Focus - Combine aim and focus functions.
  • Tracking and Parenting:

    1. Track - Make the selected object the target of the camera Track-To object.
    2. Auto Focus - Use the selected object as the shrinkwrap target of the Track-To object.
    3. Parent - Set the selected object as the parent of the camera Location object.
    4. Copy Location - Set the camera to follow the offset location (not rotation or scale) of the selected object.
  • Camera Controls:

    1. Cam Flow - Access camera Location object properties.
    2. Track Flow - Access camera Track-To object properties.
    3. Shake Panel - Access camera Shake properties.
    4. Cam Data - Access camera Data properties.
  • Shaking and Baking:

    1. Toggle Shake - Enable/disable camera Shake in preview and render.
    2. Randomize Shake - Change the camera Shake noise factor.
    3. Bake CFP Cam - Copy and bake the Camera Flow Pro camera to keyframes.
    4. Bake Selected - Bake selected objects to visual keyframes.

  • Rig Management:

    1. Add Camera Flow Pro - Append the rig/collection.
    2. Reset Rig - Clear all settings except the root.
    3. Root Reset Rig - Fully reset the rig to world center.
    4. Refresh Sim - Refresh simulations if needed.

Before You Buy:

  1. Limitations:
    1. This is not a camera solver or footage tracker.
    2. It’s not a substitute for artistry; your creativity is still essential.
  2. Compatibility:
    1. Built for Blender 3.6 to 4.2+.
    2. You can save in an older version of blender and open in a newer, but not the other way around.
    3. Multiple CFP rigs can operate simultaneously in the same .blend but are not supported and not recommended.
  3. Important Notes:
    1. Camera shake is procedural, not physics-based. This has its advantages and disadvantages.
    2. Bake to keyframes before rendering to avoid errors. There's a button for that.
    3. Installation is super easy, all-in-one add-on.
Published 7 days ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Mit
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