Boxcutter 7.2.0 : Kragehul

TeamC in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 48 ratings by the community.

  • milk2
    4 months ago

    Look its probably a really useful tool most of the time but I mainly bought it to speed up my work flow for slicing stuff for 3d printing and no matter if I use the slice, knife, or cut tool. Or, destructive or non destructive option it either spawns in a box or doesnt work at all.

    • Team Csharp

      4 months ago

      that might have been rectified through the product support section. Most issues come down to users not being up to date.

      Installing the latest version from orders should get you squared away. Hopefully that is able to help.

      A playlist extensively going over the topic has been created. I hope it is able to assist you and improve your condition.

  • Christer Andersén
    12 months ago

    You simply must love this piece of pure wonder!

  • Chris
    almost 2 years ago

    I've used this for 2 years, it's useful but I spend more time working out bugs with it than actually using it. Crashes most versions of blender unless you have hardops installed. Also the knife tool is the most buggy horrible mess, its all I need to use but makes 3D unenjoyable because of how buggy it is. Need an alternative that doesn't make me want to quit working as a 3d animator

    • Team Csharp

      almost 2 years ago

      When it comes to support issues. We always recommend reporting them so that they get resolved.
      If issues aren't reported, they are not resolved. A playlist on troubleshooting has also been created to assist users with identifying problem sources and getting us the info needed for resolution.
      Without report or attempt at resolution, an adventure can get wayward when attempting to install incorrect updates or using incompatible versions. I can only hope the product is working now since we aim to keep them consistently functional.
      That said, there will always be systems, situations and scenarios unplanned for that we must react to once made aware that are beyond our control. I'm sure you can understand.
      It's great you got things working now. It is our goal. Once users begin shifting blender versions and older versions of us that things will get messy. Thank you for your review. It reminds us that there is always more work to be done.

  • Z
    almost 2 years ago

    A really good tool but porely optimized. Crashes often. N-Gon tools is really laggy. It also dosent support Metal for the GPU Backend on macs. Very useful though and speeds up my workflow alot.

    • Team Csharp

      almost 2 years ago

      We are optimistic that as Blender finalizes their Metal optimizations that things will improve but we certainly aim to please. The programming that happens with Mac for Metal is beyond our control. We remain tuned in for how future decisions will play out. In the meantime it is recommended to use pause mode in the event of any slowdown it is the most control we are able to exhibit on the add-on side of things. Thank you for your review it reminds us that Blender issues are capable of affecting our vision immensely.

      Below is a link for assisting with slowdown.

      We remain active when it comes to support issues however some issues aren't caused by us nor are able to be resolved by us due to being related to blender and individual systems. The transition to Metal was beyond our control and all we can do is strive for improvement.

  • Slayde Crawford
    over 2 years ago

    Makes task for 3D printing much easier. Really enjoy this add on!

  • Rob
    over 2 years ago

    Simply Outstanding. Very intuitive, lets you design at the speed of thought!

  • Frederik Eloff
    over 2 years ago

    I was motivated to buy this addon by the so called "Blender Bros". I've found it to be cumbersome and to interfere with my modelling approach. I feel ripped off to be honest.

    • Team Csharp

      over 2 years ago

      Thank you for your insight. It is always assistive.
      When it comes to boxcutter there are a few hotkeys that make life easier.
      W - Exits boxcutter. Due to being an active tool. It can be unusual to the uninitiated.
      Alt + W - Enters Boxcutter. Similar to above it is easy to enter as well.

      Our affiliates certainly try their best to provide an experience but they scratch the surface
      of what the tool is capable of. Our apologies for any misconceptions.
      When it comes to learning boxcutter -
      For a playlist of tips for boxcutter -

      Hope that helps.

  • Patrick
    almost 3 years ago

    You just need it, it's like coffee on the morning!

  • Murdock
    over 3 years ago

    It is good

  • Aleksei Vlasov
    over 3 years ago

    Blender is not Blender without BoxCutter ]:->
    Also this addon is much better than Carver

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Sales 10600+
48 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 9 years ago
Software Version 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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