Blenquick Auto-Rigger

by Denix Studio in Addons

Q1. How do i install the Add-on ?

Go to preference, choose the add-on section and click the "install" button.

Then navigate to the BlenQuick_Auto-RiggerV1.0 zip fileĀ (leave it zipped), and install it.

Check the box to enable the add-on.

Q2. Can't fix character issues using weight painting ?

How to fix this :

First select the vertice that is causing the problem :

Click "x" to delete that vertice, now you see a hole :

Select the loop of the hole then press "f" to fill the hole.

Now it should work as intended.

Q3. How do i update?

To update the Add-on, just download the new version.

Now go to the Blender preference, remove the old version and install the new one, that it...

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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 month ago
Blender Version 4.1
License GPL
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