Barista - Home Cloud Rendering For Blender
You can find everything you need on the Barista site.
Setting up AWS for Barista (Old AWS Console)
Attention: The process of enabling the Cost Explorer service has changed slightly, and can now be found within the Billing Service. Also note that new accounts may take up to 2 hours to activate before you're able to start instances.
Update (2024): A new setup video is in the works to work with the new UI. The concepts are the same, but navigation may be different.
Windows (Installer): Run the executable binary, and follow the instructions to install Barista. Open the Start Menu, and click Barista to launch.
Windows (Portable): Place the binary anywhere on the system, and double-click to launch Barista.
OSX: Double-click the DMG file to mount it to the system. Within the DMG finder window, move the Barista binary to your Applications. Navigate to your Applications within the finder, and click the Barista binary to launch.
Linux: Set executable permissions to the AppImage binary, from your Desktop Environment or Terminal:
$ chmod 755 Barista-1.5.0.AppImage
Once set, you can launch Barista by double clicking the AppImage file, or execute it from the Terminal:
$ ~/Barista-1.5.0.AppImage
Supported Linux Desktop Environments will receive a dialog asking to add a desktop shortcut. If you choose to allow this, AppImage will place Barista into the Graphics folder in your application list.
Getting Started
Within Barista, go to Help > Documentation, and then go to the Getting Started section, or check the Documentation section of the Barista website.
Getting Started
All features, rendering practices, and tips are documented within the Everything Else section of the documentation, which can be accessed by going to Help > Documentation.
Instance Basics and Manual Shutdowns
Learn about the instance hardware, and how to manage it manually. You may never need to use this, but it's good to know how to shutdown instances if something goes wrong.
Getting Access to More Hardware on New Accounts
New AWS accounts have limited access to various hardware, so you will need to request an increase in order to use more powerful hardware.
Be sure to check out the Barista YouTube channel for videos on how to use various features, view the Barista site for development updates, documentation, render benchmarks, and the community forum.
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