Animation Retimer
Retime key-frames across multiple objects.
Create spaces for new shots, easily adjust speed for any action, including NLA. Actions can be filtered by their domain type. For example, retime all object animation and materials only.Ripple key-frames to account for scaling and offsets. Avoids animation loss.Visualize affected regions before operation, tweak afterwards
Timeline overlay displays the source frames as blue and target range as orange. X lines will result in empty space. Operations are adjustable within the redo popover.
Clear and simple user interface
Provides useful hints, warnings and an affected actions list.
Ripple, shift key-frames around the affected time range to accommodate for retiming.
Replace, Overwrite key-frames within the To Range.
Combine, Overlay adjusted key-frames from the From Range to the To Range
Ripple Direction, Limit backwards and forwards frame accommodation for ripple method. Uncheck 'Only Selected' to reveal scene and world types.
Animation Data, Filter allowed data types affected by retiming.
Only Selected, Only retime key-frames associated with selected objects. Otherwise affect actions associated with all data types within the filtered types.
Object Heirarchy, Recursively select and retime child objects.
Retime NLA, Shift and slice action strips in on the NLA graphs of the included data.
From Range, The frame range to modify.
To Range, The destination for the key-frames belonging to the From Range. Transformation includes scale and offset.
Scale, Calculate the To Range from a scale factor.
Offset, Shift the To frames relative to the From frames. Lock to avoid unwanted changes.
NOTE: This product is also included in Shot Manager Pro. If you would like this purchase to upgrade to be deducted from SM Pro, please see Animation Retimer in Shot Manager variations
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