Anglepoise Type 75 Lamp

by Alex Saplacan in Models

Importing the lamp into the scene: You can import the lamp either by appending it to the scene, or linking. Personally I've started to use more linking because it keeps the scene cleaner and is a method more production oriented: someone else can work on the model in the same time. After you link it, before animating or posing you have to make it proxy from Object menu and choose the Armature object. This will allow you manipulate the bones in pose mode. I also advice to use the Edit Linked Library addon which allows you to easily shift between your scene file and the lamp file forward and back. The cable rig is different from the one I've used for the Tripod lamp, it takes a bit longer to pose it but is more precise. Eventually tell me which one you prefers most. Use the bone Light to adjust Intensity trough z rotation and the Blackbody value trough the Z Scale


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 9 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free