Alt Tab Easy Fog 2

by Alt Tab in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 24 ratings by the community.

  • J Martin
    about 1 year ago

    I just bought this and haven't tried it yet. But I did want to say I agree with Aaron. I bought this because of the time it will save me and trust I will make that 16$ back 10 fold with one project. Prices change, sales happen. 8$/16$ Honestly all these blender addons are cheap, considering what I can do with stuff that costs less than 20$ or 10$. I'd never be able to afford stuff like this on other programs. And has anyone considered how much blender has updated so theres gonna be a bit more work to put in. I appreciate it. It always feels good to get paid for your work.

  • Aaron
    about 1 year ago

    Bought V1 of this. I also bought V2. The pricing might not sit well with everyone, but I think those who complain aren't accustomed to doing a cost-benefit analysis. If this saves you even 15 minutes of time in a production environment, it has easily paid for itself.

    It is my belief that the team behind Alt Tab has genuine intentions and is not trying to treat customers unfairly. It is a time-consuming process to develop products like this. Individuals deserve compensation for the time they invest. While it's understandable that everyone wants free lifetime updates, it's important to consider that developers also need to earn a living.

    I have no affiliation with Alt Tab. I have purchased multiple addons from them, and I have found all of them to be well-crafted and function as promised. Review bombing a developer because you can't justify spending a few bucks to enhance a free program is not in the spirit of the Blender community.

    Keep up the hard work Alt Tab. There are plenty of us who will continue to respect and support you.

  • Rryann989
    about 1 year ago

    I used fog 1 was great addon.
    This very nice update, i also understand pricing adjustment and thank you for 50% coupon code

  • canvasbushi
    about 1 year ago

    haha the scam tactics again with this creator. free demo to get it on the front page, deprecate and republish for upgrade price, guess we can expect paid easy fog 3 in the next 6 months.
    a personal license -facepalm- is there someone buying assets that cant be used for commercial usage...
    nice one, a seat system straight from unity and the actual upgrade is minimal.

    • Alt Tab

      about 1 year ago

      Free downloads don't count towards the sale number. Only paid downloads do. We belive the pricing is fair - based on the amount of vdb's and volumes we have created.

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  • Includes 2 procedural volume presets, 2 explosions, 2 clouds, 2 smoke presets.

  • Includes all presets & VDB's

  • If you use this product on projects where you make money.

  • 2-5 Seats

  • 10+ Seats


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Sales 3800+
Downloads 7900+
24 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL