3D Cars: Inside And Out

by CG Masters in Training

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 25 ratings by the community.

  • Wayne
    11 months ago

    3D Modelling ASMR. Insta-buy!
    You wont find a better course on making cars in Blender anywhere else. Chris is the undisputed Master and a great teacher!

  • caodungviet
    11 months ago


  • luca
    11 months ago

    Another great course by Chris

  • Cyber Kriss
    11 months ago

    The previous car course was truly a gold mine of tips and tricks (not even mentioning the gorgeous result) , and this one looks even better.
    I was wondering how one can make the car interiors (this was not taught in the Corvette course), and now my dream come true.

    The final render of the model had me buy this course as soon as I opened the link received in my mail.

    That's it, I bought it eyes closed... Because I know Chris will deliver another amazing training.

  • VenomDesign
    11 months ago

    Chris is THE go-to tutor for Blender courses. I took many of his courses. He knows how to clearly explain things in an engaging way. So, you won't get bored, though there's a lot to take in.
    This is also one of the few courses where the images REALLY show what you'll learn. I recommend this course to anyone who either wants to learn to work with Blender. But it's a must have for people who want to create cars in 3D.

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