3D Cars: Inside And Out

by CG Masters in Training

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 33 ratings by the community.

  • Damian
    3 days ago

    The best course out there! I'm learning a ton and thoroughly enjoying this!

  • 1P2D
    27 days ago

    An absolute must have for anyone looking at mastering hard surface modelling. Simply unbeatable.

  • Alf
    about 2 months ago

    Excellent course from Chris as always. Thank you Sir!

  • Leandre
    3 months ago

    Absolutely fantastic course on hard surface modeling using the sub-d workflow!

    What sets this apart is that it focuses on complex shapes, rather than boxy designs that hide a lot of mistakes

    In turn this requires you to understand what the impact is of each action and how to correct for future pain points as you go along.

    If you are a fan of modeling cars, or would just like to do a great, in-depth hard surface course, definitely dig into this!

  • Scott Sharp
    5 months ago

    After completing some beginner tutorials I started this course even though I still don't know what I'm doing and feel underwater. But....Chris is a great instructor and explains everything in detail as you go along.

    And get this, about 15 lectures in to Section 3 I found an issue that I created probably back in lecture 4. I tried to correct it on my own but became frustrated. So I emailed Chris screen shots of this issue and asked his advice on correcting it because I didn't want to start over. He told me to send him my blend file and he'd take a look. An hour or so later he emails me a 3 minute video on how to correct my issue!? Amazing!

    I can't wait for more courses from Chris, not only because he helped me correct my issue. But he has skills and knows how to teach them.

  • Don Burchfield
    5 months ago

    This course offers some of the best subdivision modeling lessons I've seen. Also included are lessons on shading and rendering. The author uses a step-by-step approach explaining how and why each step is necessary to achieve a great-looking mesh with rendered images.

  • serhii
    5 months ago

    Просто охуєнний курс!!! Абсолютно вартий своєї ціни. Скільки я дізнався з курсу, я б ніколи методом "тику" не здобув навіть за рік часу.

  • Mario
    8 months ago

    Excellent tutorial that really teaches some great techniques. Modeling is the main focus of the tutorial teaching various ways of accomplishing different tasks but also covers some mild rigging, animating, texturing, and rendering. I would highly recommend this to anyone looking at being more proficient in Blender as the techniques learned translate very well to other projects.

  • Georg Engl
    9 months ago

    A course full of fascinating techniques in mainly modelling, shading, rendering. Just in terms of content already more than worth the money. Additionally, Chris' tutorials are ideal in pace, intonation, structure, short: the very best.

  • Jedi Hung
    11 months ago

    This is the best Blender course I've purchased so far. If you want to learn hardsurface modeling, don't miss this. In addition, Chris has made the course so enjoyable!

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Sales 2400+
33 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License Editorial