Zenshaders Free Library
ZenShaders Free Library is a collection of free materials, textures, brushes, tools, and more.
The library will be updated periodically with new content.
What will you get:
Update 1.0 (20/09/24):
ZenShaders Brushes: Stylized Edition.
- 50 brushes to use in Blender, Zbrush or Substance 3D Painter.
- Categories: Bolts, Buttons, Cracks, Creature, Damage, Folds, Fur, Metal, Rocks, Stitches and Wood.
ZenShaders Brushes: Human, Creature and Zombie Skin Edition.
- 70 brushes to use in Blender, Zbrush or Substance 3D Painter.
- Categories: Annelids, Exoskeleton, Scales, Creature Skin, Spines, Skin Bumps, Skin Pores, Veins, Skin Wrinkles, Cuts, Holes, Larvaes, Pustules, Scars, Zombie Skin, Stitches, Tissues, Wounds.
Update 1.1 (25/11/24):
- Support for the new Blender 4.3 "brush asset" system.
Update 1.1.1 (26/11/24):
- Added "blender_assets.cats.txt" file to fix uncategorized brushes.
Minimum compatible software version:
Zbrush: Zbrush 2024.
Substance 3D Painter: 10.0.0.
Blender: 4.2.
More Brushes:
- Zenshaders Brushes: Human, Creature And Zombie Skin Edition (+900 Brushes)
- Zenshaders Brushes: Stylized Edition (+550 Brushes)
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exoskeleton scars Damage free Annelids tissues painter Scales zbrush folds textures zombie skin veins stitches creature fur larvaes Brush substance alphas Sculpt metal cracks skin pores Stitches and Wood holes stylized texture Creature Skin spines pack sculpting pustules cuts rocks Brushes bolts Skin wrinkles buttons wounds Skin Bumps