ZenShaders Free Library is a collection of free materials, textures, brushes, tools, and more.
The library will be updated periodically with new content.
What will you get:
Update 1.0 (20/09/24):
ZenShaders Brushes: Stylized Edition.
- 50 brushes to use in Blender, Zbrush or Substance 3D Painter.
- Categories: Bolts, Buttons, Cracks, Creature, Damage, Folds, Fur, Metal, Rocks, Stitches and Wood.
ZenShaders Brushes: Human, Creature and Zombie Skin Edition.
- 70 brushes to use in Blender, Zbrush or Substance 3D Painter.
- Categories: Annelids, Exoskeleton, Scales, Creature Skin, Spines, Skin Bumps, Skin Pores, Veins, Skin Wrinkles, Cuts, Holes, Larvaes, Pustules, Scars, Zombie Skin, Stitches, Tissues, Wounds.
Update 1.1 (25/11/24):
- Support for the new Blender 4.3 "brush asset" system.
Update 1.1.1 (26/11/24):
- Added "blender_assets.cats.txt" file to fix uncategorized brushes.
Minimum compatible software version:
Zbrush: Zbrush 2024.
Substance 3D Painter: 10.0.0.
Blender: 4.2.
More Brushes:
- Zenshaders Brushes: Human, Creature And Zombie Skin Edition (+900 Brushes)
- Zenshaders Brushes: Stylized Edition (+550 Brushes)
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