X-Muscle System 4.0
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Software and Documentation Updates
Current XL variant Beta Program version: 4.0.9 7th October 2024
- X-Muscle System is now an Extension
version: 4.0.7 10th June 2024
- initial CC4 compatibility updates
- separate microControllers UI to a panel
- muscle pinning user experience greatly improved
- added per muscle pin resizer slider
- fix remove empty collection on rename
- fix error rename on skin meshobject
- more modifier and vertex group names now follow naming on muscle rename
- added context panel displaying for muscle components when selected
- x-pie menu updated to version 0.4.4 (bugfixes!)
3.9.79 8th May 2024
- fixed module reload
- adjusted Muscle Volume min to float 0.1
3.9.77 21st April 2024
- improved skin Corrector support
3.9.76 2nd April 2024
- added remastered Anatomy Bundle models
- special selection order callback added so no Side Panel needed for Auto_Aim anymore
- Create Method no more changes on new file, reload or open
- microControllers added to converted muscles from mesh
- fixed pins don’t remove on delete when hidden
- fixed pins not present on pinslist when added with autoaim
- improved microController display toggle
- added pin display toggle
- fixed micCtrl not renamed when hidden
- fixed pinning won’t showup after renamed
- added parenting to rig for convert to muscle (with auto-aim chosen and muscle selected/active)
- added skin smooth corrector (for improved skin deformation quality)
- added display muscle toggle
- improved x-ray toggle
- added hide other pins when isolating muscle
- added/fixed x-mirror pins when hidden
- added auto-aim pinning
- fixed error on rename with the name unchanged
- fixed isolate muscle hides components permanently
- context-sensitive pie menu added
- delete button added
- documentation update
- new workflow for auto-aim targeted muscle convertion
- many more
versions 2.4.7
- fix muscle pinning not listed
- fix muscles not xmirrored correctly
versions 2.4.0
updated for Blender 3.0
versions 2.3.9
- fixed localization bugs
- added undo support (will not randomly crash on CTRL+Z, supports undo correctly)
- Improved compatibility with Blender 2.9. Fixed random installation issue,
versions 2.3.7
- added Muscle Offset feature
versions 2.3.4
- fixed API changed in Blender 2.9x
versions 2.3.3
- fixed compatibility conflict with BlenderKit add-on,
- fixed compatibility conflict with Avastar2 add-on
versions 2.2.9
- fix microControllers not working
versions 2.2.7
- added localization compatibility
versions 2.1.9
- internal engine improvement muscle bulge stability (affects only new entities)
versions 2.0.2
- fix non responsive properties
version 2.0.1
- fix add microController to skin error
versions 2.0.0
- Blender 2.8 port
versions 1.9.7
- new muscle strip type added
- documentation Update
versions 1.9.3
- microControllers now x-mirrors correctly when muscles are using pinning, bugfix
versions 1.9.0
- new Isolate Selected Muscles feature,
- documentation Update
versions 1.8.9 and 1.8.9a-e:
- fix exception access violation when Multires was used without shapekeys, a
- full support for advanced features: bendy muscles and muscle pinning including X-Mirror support, c
- better mirroring accuracy when scaling is used, c
- important bugfixes, c
- X-Mirror support for Bendy Muscles
- Anatomy Bundle added, c
- allows to manually reattach muscles attached with auto-aim to other bones and still successfully bind them with the skin. (more flexible workflow in sacrifice of auto-weight painting), d
- allows to successfully finish binding all the muscles to the skin even when corrupted microController mechanism is detected (accidentally deleted or omitted on muscle duplication), d
- new Muscle Pinning Panel powerful Manager, e
- enable and disable viewport/render muscle pinning, e
- add/remove muscle pins feature, e
- select pins toggle feature, e
- reset selected pins feature, e
- minor bugfixes, e
- documentation update, e
version 1.8.7 and 1.8.7a:
- improved Vertex Group management
- added full support for rename feature after skinning for Vertex Groups and drivers
- fixed multi-rename failed to work in some cases
- fixed new muscle Shape is now added to active scene layer only instead to all selected layers
- change skin model to Object Mode on Micro_Controller toggle
- fix muscle remains selected after Auto-Aim create
- fix remove drivers from skin after Micro_Controller disabling
- muscles will now remain selected after Micro_Controller enable/disable toggle
- Micro_Controllers will now work even if character object is hidden
- Documentation Update
version 1.8.3:
- significantly improved freestyle weightpainting x-mirror
- fix tension value for Micro_Controller on x-mirror
- fix Micro_Controller Set option works now for any Mode
- fixed x-mirror muscles if some its parts are hidden
- minor bugfixes
versions 1.7.9 a-e:
- fixed critical exception on Micro_Controller deletion, final fix, e
- muscle size to scale along its local YZ fix, d
- some default values for muscle properties fix, d
- perfect symmetry final fix, c
- perfect symmetry fix (muscle "System" part orientation now mirrored correctly), b
- fixed property viewport refresh for selected muscle when all parts are selected, a
version 1.7.9:
- Quick Start - Video Tutorial
- added full Micro_Controller X-Mirror support feature with X-Mirroring Vertex Groups
- Documentation Update
- default muscle create type set to Manual at file startup
- solved invalid orientation for Micro_Controller in particular scenarios
- now X-Muscle System works correctly with scaled rig
- improved pretty Vertex Group naming (dedicated unique naming)
- fixed unintended settings deletion for all muscles in exceptional scenarios
- resolved x-mirror with applying body to mesh inverted order
- Multi-Set support for microControllers feature
Besides new features, this Update contains many bug fixes.
version 1.7.3:
- added Select Single Muscle function and UI button
- fixed cleanup orphaned microController
- added Allow_Duplication and Keep_over_Subdiv setting to the UI
- Multi-Rename feature added
- Allow Duplications feature added with support for X-Mirror and skinning
- fixed critical exception on microController deletion
- Documentation Update
- optimized operation with subsurf in stack
- Keep over Subdiv feature added
- autobind microController to the skin feature
Besides new features, this Update contains stability, performance improvements and better scene management.
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