Need some Assets? Here are models of tools ins a workshop environment for your games, scenes or animations!
Rendered with Blender 3.4 Cycles.
- Blend file with UV-unwrapped model, arranged setup and animation
PBR 2k textures (UV-mapped) (in .png)
- Color map
- Metallic map
- Roughness map
- Normal map
- Height map
- Pictures and video material
- Camera flights
- Toolbox open
- Pliers close
Objects (have a look at the images):
Workbench: CabineTop,
CabinLower, WallGrid, WoodenPlate, Knobs
Ground : Background
Wall: Background
Wallplate: Background
Board: Board, Paper, variable Text
Toolbox: Rigged and animated
Pliers: 6 different Pliers, rigged and animated
File: more variants to come
Brush: more variants to come
Scrapers: 2 different Scrapers
Hammer: more variants to come
Screwdriver: more variants to come
Wrench: more variants to come
Cleaning Liquid: 1 model, 5 different Can materials
Cleaning Cloths: 8 different models, 4 different materials
Meter Stick: more variants to come
Spirit Level
Would you like me to add any other tools to the package? Let me know!
(Also have a look at my other useful products here at Blendermarket...)