The hydraulic pipe bender has been developed as part of a group of workshop tool models.
- The model was developed in blender 2.79 and uses the Subdivision modifier (set to level 1) and bevel edge modifier.
- The model is also available as an OBJ or FBX format file for import into other 3d packages.
- Two texture packs have been included in the file, these include the grunge and basic textures. Texture maps include Basecolor, height, metallic, roughnes and normal. The maps are all saved in jpeg format at 1024x1024px
- The FBX and OBJ files are saved as both base mesh (modifiers not applied) and ...sub1 (modifiers applied) formats
- The model is NOT rigged, but simple control objects (empties) in the blender file have been included to aid animation
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