This is a high quality photogrammetry scan of a single German wheat roll. Completely textured and retopologized. All textures are ready for Physically Based Rendering (PBR).
Package includes
- Blender .blend file
Clean retopologized quad mesh model (42.991 vertices). The Blender materials are ready to use. No additional set-up needed. All textures are embedded, so you just need to download the .blend file! - 32 Bit Color texture (OpenEXR)
- 16 Bit Roughness texture (PNG)
- 32 Bit Displacement texture (OpenEXR)
- 32 Bit Normalmap - Tangent based (OpenEXR)
- All textures have a bitmap size of 8192 x 8192 pixels
- Free HDRI environment image from included in the .blend file
It's prohibited to distribute or publish this product without my permission.
Note: Additional 3D models, that are found in the mood image and don't represent the described product above, aren't included in this package!