Watercolor Renderer

by Pixel Egg Studio in Addons

Watercolor renderer

What's Watercolor Renderer, as its name implies, this is a real-time watercolor renderer, which let artist direct how to watercolor style should be.

How artist control the watercolor style

Artist can control how the watercolor style in two types: Global configs and local vertex painting.

Global configs

With global configs, artist can setup how the whole scene should look like by configure the canvas type, canvas roughness, pigment density, etc.

Local vertex painting

To simulate how watercolor works, we provide 5 types of vertex painting which smimulates different characteristic of watercolor.

They are Pigment Turbulence, Pigment Granulate, Color Bleeding, Edge Darkening, Substrate Distortion.

While global config affect the whole scene, local vertex painting only affect perticular mesh and its vertex. So that you can make some micro control on how the watercolor style you like it to be.


What's in the package

  • The addon as a zip file
  • Some demo scenes as blend files

OS Supported

This add-on works fine on Windows 10/11, macOS, Linux

Change log


  • Works fine on macOS


  • Fixed previous vertex painting still remains while rendering in a new blend file
  • Fixed creating shader error while mesh have zero vertex


  • Fixed vertex painting transparent issue


  • Update render engine for render to image without using pyglet third party dependency


  • Fixed vertices painting bug


  • Reduce video memory usage a lot while rendering to image


  • Fixed see-throught bug in rendering


  • Fixed detecting wrong vertex for vertex painting


  • Huge Update: Updates to compatible with Blender 4.0 and later
  • Migrate from bgl to gpu module


  • New feature: Add a button to save viewport preview as image in Blender


  • Fixed shader function error for GPU RTX 3060


  • Fixed render to image not work on Windows 10


  • Initial release

Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 1
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 1 year ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
License GPL
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