Vector Visualizer Pro

Malcolm Donaldson in Modifier Setups

Vectors... they're incredibly useful in so many ways, but can be difficult to understand without visualizing what is actually happening. If you use vectors for your Blender project, but find them unintuitive and confusing, then Vector Visualizer is for you!

Vector Visualizer is a simple interactive Blender tool that lets you play with vectors and see changes in real time. A very basic understanding of Blender is recommended for navigating the 3D view and some simple menus.

Create a vector, change it, normalize it, rotate it or put two vectors together and generate a third vector based on a variety of math input options.

*Note that currently, only XYZ Euler rotations are supported.

Vector Visualizer is built entirely with geometry and shader nodes. You'll need version 4.1.1 or later.

Included Visualization Tools:

Vector Arrow

-See a vector represented as an arrow.

-The arrow will change color based on the direction it is pointed (corresponding to the RGB value).

Vector Info

- See text information about your current vector.

Local Axis Relative to Global Axis

-View the vector's local axis to keep track of orientation while rotating.

Axis-by-Axis View

-See the vector broken down into each individual axis.


-Visualize Euler rotation and see how axes inherit rotation based on their order.

-See how much rotation has occurred on each gimbal axis.

Multi-Vector Math

-Calculate a third vector based on two input vectors.

Supported operations:

  • Add

  • Subtract

  • Multiply

  • Divide

  • Cross Product

  • Project

  • Reflect

Align Euler to Vector

-Visualize the Align Euler to Vector node*

*Note that due to limitations, the dynamic color does not adjust based on the align Euler to vector.


-Ghost vectors (see the vector before rotation).

-Material transparency settings.

-Change the relative origin of the vector.

-Enhanced grid that will show in renders with optional XZ and YZ grids (shows XY by default).

-Show grid as dots or lines.

Please feel free to reach out with questions, comments or bug reports! My email is

License: Royalty Free License


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 14 days ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1
License GPL