Vdm Brush Importer

Kaze arts in Addons

Updated For Blender 4.2!

Make importing your VDM brushes easier with VDM Brush Importer! with just one click you can import you can import your .exr files into blender sculpt brushes automatically!

Generate thumbnails and choose from a plane and a sphere object!

And it's also Highly Customizable!

All the baking is done inside a newly created scene leaving your scenes untouched.


  • updated to work on blender 4.2.


  • Updated to work on blender 4.0+.
  • Added some .jpg file detection if you have jpeg rendered images with the same name.


  • Object options added, you can now pick from a plane or a sphere type object and change it without changing any object names or deleting objects.


  • Fixed duplicated thumbnails when the same name thumbnail exists, now no duplicate thumbnails will be generated.


  • Automatic thumbnail generation added.
  • added new scene for thumbnail baking use.
  • added customize flexibility given all the scene objects stays the same name.


  • .EXR import to brush with anchored preset.

  • This version of VDM brush importer comes with an automatic thumbnail generation


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Sales 100+
5 ratings
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.0
License GPL
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