Uv Flow

Orange Turbine in Addons

UV Flow aims to make UV unwrapping in Blender fast and, even more shockingly, actually fun. The first way it does this is by adding an entirely new tool to Blender's toolbar, called Cut UV, which allows you to edit seams with ease.

❤️ Orange Turbine, a project of Autotroph, contributes to Blender development through our Corporate Gold sponsorship. Your support of UV Flow helps make this possible!

The controls are intuitive and there is a pre-selection highlight to help you never miss a cut. The interaction was designed for artists, by artists, to be as fast as possible. 

  • Left Click: Mark edge as seam
  • Double Click: Mark loop as seam, stopping at other seams (!!)
  • Shift + Double Click: Mark entire loop as seam
  • Ctrl + Click: Mark shortest path as seam
  • Click + Drag: Draw seam path
  • Hold Alt using any of the actions above to clear seams

When Auto Unwrap is enabled, only the UVs affected by the new seam will be unwrapped. This may seem like a small deal at first but, unlike using Blender's Live Unwrap, you will never lose work by accidentally resetting UV's you've previously straightened or projected.

UV Flow's Cut UV tool also works perfectly with Edit Mode symmetry, which Blender's Mark Seam does not!

No seams? No worries

When you unwrap with UV Flow, you can allow edges to act as if they were seams based on their angle, bevel, crease, sharp, or freestyle attributes. In some cases, especially for hard surfaces, you can unwrap a whole mesh without placing any seams at all! Or you can create seams based on those attributes to use as a quick starting point for a manual unwrap. 

Get it straight

UV Flow comes with a context aware straightening command that can instantly straighten whatever you select. You won't even have to open the UV Editor (though it works there too if you need it). You can use it to:

  • Align islands to the selected edges
  • Straighten connected edges into a line
  • Fit quads to a perfect grid
  • Align the bounding box of complex shapes that have triangles and n-gons to the grid

The rest of the island will be automatically unwrapped around the straightened selection, so you don't have to do any pinning or extra steps. 

Work in layers

Did you know that having multiple UV maps can be incredibly helpful, especially for placing decals? In Blender you can only have one set of seams per object, which makes working with multiple maps quite cumbersome. UV Flow, however, allows you to work with seam layers. It automatically stores seam information per UV map so you can work with as many unwraps as you need without any extra clicks. 

See it in style

UV Flow has its own overlay system that you can customize. You can set seams to be any color, as well as make them thicc and glowy for extra clarity (or just for fun).

UV checker textures can be enabled by default, so that one is always applied to the mesh you're unwrapping without you having to think about it. Even better, the texture is only applied to the selected mesh and the rest of the objects stay in solid view. Every effect is fully cleaned up as soon as you exit the tool. 

Don't stress about scale

UV Flow can perfectly unwrap meshes whose scale hasn't been applied by automatically stretching the UVs to compensate. 

Plus, it lets you unwrap to a real-world scale or a set texel density

Designed for a material workflow

Editing meshes in Blender is designed to be per object. When it comes to UVs, however, that doesn't always make sense. You'll often want your final UVs to be per material, so you can easily texture in other apps like Substance Painter or Mari.

UV Flow can pack each material into its own UV space, and it can do this for as many objects at once as you'd like, regardless of which one you're currently editing. 

Car interior (not included) courtesy of Wyatt at Winter Stellar Studios

...and that's just the beginning!

Other key features include:

  • Object Mode unwrapping and packing
  • A quick UV Editor toggle
  • Easy selection for objects or faces assigned to a material
  • Automatically framing islands in the UV Editor when they are selected in the 3D View

Our goal is to make working with UVs as fast and fun as possible, and we're just getting started. We have a long list of things that we would like to improve about the UV workflow in Blender and we'd even like to contribute improvements to Blender itself when possible. Purchasing this add-on will allow us to continue development and, hopefully, make Blender THE #1 app for UV editing

  • Just you, for any use

  • 2-5 people

  • 6-14 people

  • 15+ people


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Sales 1900+
22 ratings
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.4, 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL