Ultimate Treapl® Rocks

by Treapl in Models

Ultimate Treapl Rocks Asset Kit


To immediately start creating massive 3d worlds, we recommend using the Blender file:


from the zip:


This will work straight away as the textures are packed within the Blender file.



For optimal use of all the files unzip the main texture file - Maps_Ultimate_Treapl_Rocks.zip

Unzip also the Maps_Ultimate_Treapl_Rocks_4Kpx.zip - but use these big textures only for foreground assets in particular frames, these are very big files and would make your Blender scenes unusable in rendering if used all at once!

Unzip TRPHDRI_GroundMap.ZIP to the same directory where you have all the other textures so that you can do any relinking of files with ONE SHOT!

After you open any one of the Blend files - if the textures are not picked up automatically go to File-External Data-Find Missing Files and select the Texture directory, where you have unzipped all the texture maps.

To create NEW WORLDS - ideally use the TRE_Ultimate_Treapl_Rocks_QuickestFile_FIN.blend  file from the directory  09_ULTIMATE_TREAPL_ROCKS_ALL_FAST_FILE from the 000_BLENDER_FILES.ZIP- this file does not have textures packed into the file so it will save much faster- therefore it is highly recommended to use this one!!!

After you open any Blend file - if the textures are not picked up automatically go to File-External Data-Find Missing Files and select the Texture directory, where you have unzipped all the texture maps.


All the stone scatters are set-up with GScatter. Downloading this currently free Add-on is required to achieve the Rock Beds results you see in the previews.


TRE_Ultimate_Treapl_Rocks_Massive_ALL_COLOURS.blend is a master rock file with the 500+ colour variations on rocks already applied, so that you can just pick whatever you need. But since this file is slow, it is recommended to export whatever you need into your own production file - ideally one of the HDRI set-up files which will allow you to immediately work within a specific atmosphere.

The HDRI Blender FILES:  directory (04_BlenderScenes_Set_Up_HDRI_SKY_DOMES_10X)

All the HDRI textures for premade HDRI environment files are in the TRPHDRI_GroundMap.ZIP

We recommend unzipping the HDRI textures to the same directory where you have unzipped Maps_Ultimate_Treapl_Rocks.zip.


To use the Cinematic files:Boy in the Sky, Boy at the Lake, Boy in the Cave unzip the 3 ZIP files, which contains all the packed textures within the Blender files.

Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Blender Version 3.6
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Rigged, Animated, Low-High-Resolution, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free
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