Touch Viewport

Nendo Creative in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 11 ratings by the community.

  • vitoli
    4 months ago

    Amazing Addon. You really did your homework! The UI feels great (also nice animations) and does exactly what I need for using my iPad for sculpting and sketching with Grease Pencil.

    One thing: I accidently move the floating buttons instead of pushing them a lot. For my needs they should not move. A little setting for deactivating the floating behaviour would be great.

    Thanks for developing!

  • oct-oyen
    over 1 year ago

    A game changer UI!! Thanks for creating it.

  • Marcos Ruben Mendoza Hernandez
    almost 2 years ago

    Like everyone, I hoped to one day use my tablet fluently with Blender, and as a beginner, I had high hopes of doing so until I started working on Blender, and it became a sad reality that it was difficult to use my tablet, but with your addon, the sky lit up, and it has made my life much happier! Thank you very much!

  • Maxim
    about 2 years ago

    thanks, this should be native!

  • nogra
    over 2 years ago

    Great work!

    Would it be possible to add in options for:
    - Pinch = Zoom
    - One finger = Pan
    - Two fingers = 3D rotation
    - One finger + Drag second finger = 2D rotation (Good for 2D drawing.)

    These would make the hot regions unnecessary. For an example of 2D rotation in Blender, see Blender's "Grease Pencil Tools" Add-on.

  • Alvaro
    over 2 years ago

    Excelent! Keep on improvening please!

  • Michal
    over 2 years ago

    This Add-on is Amazing! I recently got a 2-1 hp laptop with a major draw being able to finally sculpt in blender with touch controls + pen and it was sad to see that blender didn't have native support for it like for example shapr3D. So far working flawlessly, S-Tier Addon!!!

  • Ben V
    over 2 years ago

    This is great! I've been hoping someone would make something like Touch Viewport for Blender for a while. I kind of wish it worked more like 3D Coat but I think it's just me having to get used to it. One thing I would like to see is an option to outline the areas for POZ in the viewport. I sometimes start Panning when I mean to Orbit and vice versa. If that's not possible, that's okay. I am very grateful for this functionality regardless! :-)

  • Will Tschopp
    over 2 years ago

    This add-on not only works wonderfully, but it also has allowed me to actually dive back into using Blender! I have (regrettably) avoided Blender on my Surface Laptop Studio, as I am primarily a 2D illustration/cartoon artist and radically dislike using a mouse for anything other than gaming - meaning not have the flexibility of touch navigation is a no-go for on-the-go or on-the-couch. This add-on makes using blender in my desired workflow possible and enjoyable! I downloaded on github first to try it out and immediately fell in love. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  • Glenn More
    over 2 years ago

    Incredible. How this isn't built in already is beyond me. Works great with my Wacom.

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Sales 700+
11 ratings
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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