Top Secret Military Base / Research Facility Warning Signs
Large military warning signs to deter curious visitors from venturing any closer to your top secret military base or confidential research facility. The pack comes with a variety of wooden and metallic signs that are appropriate for bases from the late 1930s to current day.
Included in Version 1.0:
20 Wooden Texture Variations
7 Metallic Texture Variations
There are also a variety of model variations for both the metallic and wooden signs.
Additional Information:
All Blender files are neatly organized into collections and fully setup with PBR Textures. Texture Formatting is standard PBR-Metallic Unity Style. UVs are manually unwrapped to make maximum use of texture space. Polycount is game-ready.
Files are in Eevee by default but work great in Cycles without changing anything regarding models or materials.
Texture resolution on items is 2048x2048 - the sign stands are one material and the signage itself is a separate material to make mix and matching a simple process.
This asset also includes a Unity Package Version
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outpost confidential restricted area caution sign secret base signage metallic sign military outpost top secret top secret base warning research facility military sign sign commander center restricted area 51 military base base warning sign wooden sign confidential base