Append the material :
- To append the material in your scene, clic on File / Append
- Then select the blend file named tiling.blend
- Select the Material folder
- Select tiling then hit the Append from Library button
- Select the floor mesh in your scene and UV unwrap it by pressing U / unwrap in Edit mode
- Select the material tiling in the material list of your scene
Easy to custom : Simply choose your tiling color by connecting the output of the texture in the pink frame node into the the yellow socket on the right. You can adjust the size of the different texture with the 3 mapping nodes on the left.
- the first one is for the tiling it self
- the second for the grunge mask
- the third for the grunge texture it self
Note that the node are named accurately to make more sense.
The shader is using UV coordinate so you have to UV unwrap your mesh first. If your more comfortable with object coordinate, simply change the 3 noodles in the Object socket of the Texture Coordinate on the left.
If you need more advanced fine tuning on the shader itself, enter inside the principal node group called Tiles and adjust the setup. The nodes are correctly named and nicely organized to make your life easiest.