The Human Body In Detail
Learning anatomy is important!
But learning from just text or even images, like from a textbook is inconvenient, which is why I've created this ecorche for you to always easily refer to and help maintain a detailed working knowledge of everything you need to know about anatomy as a character artist!
What's inside:
-All the muscles we need to know about, as well as many we don't need to know about, but I've made anyway because anatomy is cool. All neatly organized and named, and with correct origins and insertion points!
-The skeleton with all the individual bones also organized and named
-The fat pads of the face, which are important to know for reading the structure of any face
-Surface skin model which lines up with everything underneath so you can read how the underlying structures translate to the surface!
-Optimized geometry so the scene can be easily navigated in EEVEE on pretty much any machine
I spent a long time creating this by going through the multiple anatomy
books I own, various 3D scans, other online resources, and surgical
blogs with very unsettling photographs of fresh cadavers (so you don't
have to).
All meshes except the skeleton have good, optimized topology, and are unwrapped and textured. The skeleton is made up of decimated meshes.
Created with Blender 4.0
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