The City Generator

by Andreas Dürr in Modifier Setups

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 22 ratings by the community.

  • Eder Rogerio Deana Juliette
    about 1 month ago

    This is a really useful tool for those who don't have the expertise to do it themselves or don't want to spend the time acquiring such a level of details. I strongly recommend this add-on. Of course, it can still be polished to achieve new levels of excellence and become easier for users with low knowledge.

  • JER
    about 1 month ago

    evolution, genius

  • High Resolution
    about 2 months ago

    This addon is a real wonder! The quality is very high, the configurability and customization possibilities are incredible and it includes functions of the highest level. Version 2 has just been released which has further improved an already exceptional product. And the author is extraordinarily helpful. I would give it 10 stars if it was possible!

  • Rene
    about 2 months ago

    the best addon to generate a city and get beautiful results very quickly. Very detailed and even has animated traffic. It is a piece of art.

  • Eddie Moreno
    about 2 months ago

    Works great. My system barely handles it if I go too big of course. Has issues with slopes and hills. Otherwise still a good product.

  • Yang
    3 months ago

    Is there any way I could export the city into Unity?

  • Alex
    5 months ago

    Great product. Would personally like to see a more modular sort of spawn in solution. For example, atm I mostly just use the city and streets and tend to toggle the cars and traffic simulation off by default so they aren't lagging the render. The option to "isolate" buildings, streets and traffic is great and useful for seperating individual plots of land with no buildings, but yea it would be nice to be able to build up to complexity rather than down from it as currently is. Just a minor nitpick, well worth the price otherwise!

    5 months ago

    Great addon. Only thing I am struggling with is the night lights for cars. Selecting the option mentioned in tutorial changes nothing and they remain spotlights.

  • Harald Thingelstad
    6 months ago

    This is for the most part a great addon, but be aware of a few things.
    When it works, it looks good. Yet I'm not used to flat terrain, and even for a city large flat areas look unnatural. But this addon can't handle sloped terrain too well. The buildings get skewed and the road is left at the bottom of the area so it looks like buildings, cars and whatnot is floating.
    I would also be happy if I could import cars rigged with the ubiquitous rigacar system into this system. There's only one car included. and while its colour varies I would like to have a variation of them. Yet all the cars I have in storage are rigged with rigacar and converting them to one single object like this addon seems to need is a piece of work.

    If this could work it would be an easy five stars, but it seems there's always something to pick on.

  • Gustav
    6 months ago

    The developer took the time to set up the node network and the addon in a way that it picks up all the assets from a collection hierarchy in a simple an intuitive way, making it very easy to customize. This is the one to get

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Sales 1800+
22 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 7 months ago
Software Version 4.3
License Royalty Free