Add-On Template
The Add-on Template is a Collection of different functionalities as the basis or fundament for a clean development for Blender Add-ons.
Good for direct usage, template and building your own panels, operators or other 3D functions.
If you have questions about the parts of the source code which I could have documented better. Please ask immediately I want to make it as fast and usable as possible, especially Shortcuts, Import Data and Attribute Modifier. I am open to improvements.
This product contains the following main features:
- Set Keyboard and Mouse-Shortcut persistent in Add-on Preferences for your Add-on
- Import Data from other Blender Files with a Custom Function (You do not have to use Blender Append Operator)
Panels in different UI Areas (Flip Menus)
- Usage of external Libraries
- My Add-on PyPip for installing external Libraries
- A Function to Move Objects along the there Local Axis
- Pie-Menu
- Examples for Blenders Vector and Matrix Implementations
Update Functions that you only need to set attribute name and value
- Message Boxes
- Complete documented Source Code
- Adding Modifiers and setting them up
- Using bmesh and Materials
- Using gpu
- Edit Images
- Combination of external libraries and Built-in Python functions with Blender
ShaderNode editing (Setting and linking Nodes)
- Many examples of using Properties
Extra-Scripts: Printer of all 3.2 Icons (Name plus Icon) and a Shortcut Area Printer
The Add-on Zip is where you can find all the promised functions in the init file. (2.93+)
A Blend File with the Extra-Scripts. (Blender 3.2)
Check out my other products:
Gumroad: https://ebtrr.gumroad.comIf you have any questions feel free to contact me.
For feature requests and Bug reports, you can use the Discords Channels or the Blender Market Contact Formular.
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