Tesselator - Quadrilateral Remeshing

by Jeacom in Addons

Tesselator is a remeshing addon that helps you create regular quad and triangle meshes easily out of sculpts.

It can create pure quads, pure triangles and quad-dominant meshes with high control over the flow.

Although it's not exact, it performs pretty well for simple models and can create good looking topology.

The addon simulate a particle system that can be guided by grease pencil and form a quad and triangle complex for the final mesh

Blender 2.8:

There's a new version of Tesselator currently being developed for blender 2.8. its called creatively as Tesselator 1.28. It currently has better features and topology and It is already available.

The new Tesselator will have support for masking density, sharp features and a. improved triangle mode. There's no documentation on its settings yet but here's a sneak peak of what its capable of.

Read the documentation for details on the old tesselator 1.0.

Sales 3500+
Customer Ratings 28
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 6 years ago
Blender Version 2.79, 2.8, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2
License GPL
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