Terra Scans - Nature Library

by Vertex Wizards in Models

Installation Notes Addon

  1. Install the zip file TerraScans into Blender
  2. If the installation path is set by default, you’re done! :D
  3. Now you can find Terra Scans in the right sidebar of the 3D view
  4. Have fun using our assets in your scenes!
  5. If the installation path appears empty or the Terra Scans tab appears empty, first unzip the TerraScans folder anywhere on your PC
  6. In the Blender preferences set the installation folder to the unzipped TerraScans folder – don’t select any subfolders within TerraScans like /Assets
  7. Now you’re all set as well and can find Terra Scans in the right sidebar of the 3D view

Our video installation and usage guide for the addon version:

Updating the addon

In order to update to a newer version just download the new zip folder from Blendermarket and repeat the installation steps described above. Remove the old addon in your Blender preferences before installing the new version.

How to use the addon

You can find the Terra Scans tab in the sidebar on the right side of the 3D viewport.

In order to add assets, first select a category. Then click the preview image in order to see all of the available assets in the category you selected.
Select the asset you want to import by clicking on the preview image.
After that hit “Import Asset” to add the model to your scene. You can specify the position the asset will be imported to by toggling between “At Center” and “At Origin”.
If the textures should be missing for some reason, you can hit the “Find Missing Files” button, which will find and reimport them. To quickly randomize the asset, you can select the “Randomize” button and then select what properties should be affected. Lastly the “Open File” button will open the asset’s original .blend file.

In order to quickly create particle systems with our addon, we created the "Scatter Presets" category. Check out this video if you want to learn how you can quickly create particle systems with Terra Scans:

Installation Notes Asset Browser Version

  1. Download TerraScansAssetBrowserVersion.zip or TerraScansAssetBrowserCollectionAssetsVersion.zip from Blendermarket or both. The first one uses object assets and is optimized for appending assets, the second one use collection assets and is optimized for linking assets. You can also download both versions and set up both libraries, so you can quickly change between the libraries depending on if you want to append or link the asset. 
  2. Unzip the downloaded folder(s) on your computer
  3. Open Blender Preferences (Edit -> Preferences)
  4. Navigate to File Paths -> Asset Libraries
  5. Select the + icon to add a new library, navigate to your unzipped file, select the subfolder "Select this folder for asset browser" and hit "Add Asset Library"
  6. Rename the library to "Terra Scans" or if you want to use both libraries, repeat step 5 for the second file and name one of the libraries "Terra Scans - Object Assets" and one "Terra Scans - Collection Assets"
  7. Open Blender's Asset Browser and switch from "Current File" to "Terra Scans" or whatever you named your libraries
  8. You can view categories by selecting them and import assets by clicking and dragging the preview image icons into the Blender viewport

Our video installation and usage guide for the asset browser version:

Updating the asset library

In order to update to a newer version just download the new zip folder(s) from Blendermarket and repeat the installation steps described above. Remove the old asset library/libraries in your Blender preferences before setting up the new library.

How to use the asset browser version

You can find Terra Scans in the Asset Browser.

In order to add assets, first select an asset by clicking on a preview image. Then drag the image into the 3D viewport to import the asset. Blender will then append the asset. You have the option to save memory by changing the setting from"Append" to "Link" in the middle of the Asset Browser. We recommend using the collection assets version if you prefer to use linking, so you can move the linked assets around in the scene. If you want to use other assets than the scatter presets assets in particle systems (doesn't apply to the collection assets), you will have to select "Global X-Axis" instead of "Velocity/Hair" in the rotation settings in the advanced particle settings. You don't have to do this in the addon version or the asset browser version that uses collection assets.

Installation Notes Scatpack

Note that you can only use the Scatpack if you own the Scatter5/Geo-Scatter plugin. Geo-Scatter is available here: https://blendermarket.com/products/scatter

  1. Download the provided .scatpack file
  2. Open Blender preferences and navigate to Add-ons->Scatter5->Enter Manager
  3. Select File->Install a .scatpack and select the downloaded file
  4. Now the Scatpack should be installed and available in your biomes library

If you should have problems with Geo-Scatter check out their documentation.

Happy Blendering!

  • 100% of Terra Scans and biomes + future updates

  • Trial version of Terra Scans with 10 assets and no biomes


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Sales 300+
Downloads 1000+
5 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 2 years ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Normal-Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free