Table Tennis Animations - (Motion Cast#19-Vol.2)

by Motion Cast in Models

In this animation pack, we wanted to be as exhaustive as possible, and include all the animations required for a game of ping pong. All the animations are in Motion Capture and were performed by François Weryha, a high-level tennis player. This pack contains a total of 130 unique animations. No animation is a recycling of a previous one, they all correspond to a different recording.

Please note that only the animations are sold, the 3D model is only present for aesthetic and technical purposes. In the pack, you won't find any scenery, objects, animations or ball physics. So you may have to make a few small adjustments to ensure that the animation exactly matches your character. I invite you to take a look at our ‘A Closer Look’ video, which shows you all the animations before making your purchase.

List of animations :
5 idle animations
2 warm-up animations
13 service animations
23 movement animations
47 varied shots (forehand, backhand, etc.)
9 smash shots
9 reactions to a point won
7 reactions to a lost point
4 long game animations (RAW, i.e. unedited)

We have then a total of 125 animations, all in .blend format.


We'd like to improve and offer you the best animations possible, so we invite buyers to leave comments on this page, and also to follow us on social networks:




If you have any queries or technical problems, you can contact us directly by e-mail:
[email protected]
We'd also love to see your creations using our animations, so don't hesitate to use this e-mail address to show us your work.


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Published 2 months ago
Software Version 4.3, 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
Misc Data Rigged, Animated
License Royalty Free