Suede Semi Procedural Material
Why wasting time with a rich description when the renders speak for themselves?
Look at the crazy stuff my friend and colleague SB Render made with this material!
- Ok, it's all nice and sweet but... How easy is it to use it?
> You tell me!
Easy peasy: 6 parameters for all the kinds of suede you can imagine.
Just like all the cool stuff, it works pre-shader, so you can even bake and export the maps!
(PSST... wanna know something? if you tweak it right you can TOTALLY sell it as velvet)
OH, just one more thing: it works perfectly in EEVEE as well ;)
some more home made renders, worse quality warning: I don't have much time :(
Wanna see your renders here?
Hit me at!
- a scale value was added to give more artistic freedom and work with non 1:1 scales
- output sockets were reordered to match the new principle shader sockets order
- defaults got adjusted
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