Stylized Rigged Humans
Edit the model, armature, poses or animations?
- Of course you can edit the model. The modifiers are not applied and there are only two of them: armature and subdivision surface (set it on level 1 and with the lesser quality possible for better performance).
- Also you can make any changes you need to the custom shape bones of the rig, drivers generator values and constraint values, poses and animations. Feel free to ask about this process if you do not know it well.
About the HDRI enviroment. (V4 VERSION)
The default HDRI is already packed. In order to change it, you just need to UNPACK the file by selecting "Unpack Resources" in the main menu FILE-EXTERNAL DATA-UNPACK RESOURCES.
About the SKINS (V4 VERSION)
The default skin is already packed. In order to change it, you just need to UNPACK the file by selecting "Unpack Resources" in the main menu FILE-EXTERNAL DATA-UNPACK RESOURCES.
About the HDRI enviroment. (V3 VERSION)