Studio Scene Kit Pro

by Kilvio Lluberes in Render Setups

Studio Scene Kit PRO Documentation



To unzip in Windows/Linux all you need to do is download a program called 7zip at This archiving software will allow you to open the .7z file and use SSKP. If you are on a mac, there are many option available for your on the mac app store, but I recommend Keka on


Studio Scene Kit PRO was created to give you high quality lighting with almost no effort. All you need to do is simply delete the torus knot, and append/import/link your asset into the scene. Once your asset is imported into blender, you are ready to render. Because of the large volume of scenes, I have made image banners to help you find the correct scene for your asset. These image banners can be found in the Documentation folder, and will be named based on the folder of scenes they represent. For example, the Bonus Scenes banner will give you a preview of all the scenes in the Bonus Scenes folder. Each banner has a number located on the bottom left of the preview, all you need to do is look at the scene numbers (the first number in the scenes names) and match that number with the corresponding number on the banner. 

 Custom Scene Setups

Every scene contains a unique lighting setup, designed to give your models that visual edge. But you have the ability to change anything in the scene to fit your particular needs. Everything about the blender scenes are customizable; Lights, Cameras, Render settings, Dimensions, Light/Backdrop Colors, etc.   

Asset Models and HDR Images

Included in this kit are 7 asset models that you can use to create your own lighting setup from scratch. These models are an optional part of Studio Scene Kit PRO, they are not required to use this kit. You will also find 5 studio HDR images to get you started rendering with the HDRI scene. A guide on how to use the HDR scenes is provided with the included documentation.

Grid Array Studio

With update 1.1 came Grid Array Studio which allows you to create a custom lighting grid array. This scene is explained in the included documentation.


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Sales 300+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 10 years ago
Software Version 2.6x, 2.7x, 2.77, 2.78, 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1
Render Engine Used Cycles
License Royalty Free