Space Vfx Elements : The Ultimate Guide To Creating The Galaxy In Blender
Please note that a lot of this course is now very tricky to follow in the latest versions of Blender.
To reflect this the course is now half price at $30 down from the original $60, we do aim to unpublish it completely soon though.
NOTE (This only means it'll no longer be on our storepage for sale, those who have it will always have access)
We continue to keep this course available because we are often asked about it's availability despite the changes in Blender - the support and interest in the course after all this time absolutely blows us away and we are very grateful! We would like to stress though that it's definitely a trickier experience now than we intended it to be when we first created it.
One of the main reasons for it being trickier to follow is that Blender changed a lot of the interface and hotkeys around in version 2.80 (later changes have not been at all as significant compared to this 2.79 to 2.80 jump).
For more details on comparisons between how Blender looks today and how a lot of it is seen in the course you can check out this (quite old but still pretty relevant) video here :
Have you ever wanted to be a sci-fi filmmaker? Create your own Star Wars fan fiction in Blender? Or just add a jaw-dropping space render to your portfolio?
Creating artistically pleasing space phenomena can be tricky. Quasars, gas giants, nebulae and black holes - these things can make you and your computer suffer...
After watching this video course you’ll be ready to create even the most complex space phenomena in Blender.
Aidy Burrows - Artist, Overly Optimistic, Co-Author @ Creative Shrimp
Gleb Alexandrov - Caffeinated Artist, Founder of Creative Shrimp Website
Video Info:
- 20+ hours, 1920 x 1080, MP4 format
- 30+Space VFX Tutorials
- 2 Workflows: Procedural and Image-based
- Software Used: Blender 2.77-2.78, Cycles, Krita, Gimp
- Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate
Simple Planets
We’ll get started by creating simple rocky planets.
Advanced Planet
Then we’ll experiment with more advanced multi-layered planets with atmosphere.
Planet Close-up
Have you ever wanted to create a 3D planet, then zoom in and see the beautiful details? Look no further.
Procedural Planet
We’ll take a look at procedural texturing to create any number of exo-planets. And we'll animate the clouds in a timelapse style.
Procedural Gas Planet
And not to leave gas giants out there in the cold, we have you covered too.
Procedural Asteroid
Asteroid from scratch? Easy. Just use the procedural modeling techniques.
Asteroid - Baking Textures
Before creating the vast fields of asteroids, we need to optimize this guy. And bake textures to low-poly model.
Asteroid Field
Once you have asteroids, naturally you have to fly through them in an asteroid field.
Image-based Spacescape Part 1
We need the fancy backgrounds for our space stuff. Let's paint some spherical space panoramas!
Image-based Spacescape Part 2
How to create a super high resolution space background? Box mapping plus seamless textures. That's how.
Procedural Space Panorama
Bursting with more space panoramas, we’ll take a look at some of our procedural texturing options.
Gas Clouds
After watching this chapter you'll know how to create convincing nebulae (while cheating a little bit).
We’ve got a procedural animated sun surface to heat things up! HOT!
Learn how to create the brightest objects in the galaxy - quasars. We'll explore one of these monsters, from the accretion disk to the energy jet.
And how about a Comet or with a slight tweak to your colors you have a meteor streaking through the sky.
Black Hole
Like all dramatic conclusions, we end up in a black hole. Where there is no escape. But it does look cool.
Sean Kennedy, VFX Artist
"Gleb and Aidy are amazing artists on their own, so seeing them come together for this course is outstanding for those of us who continue to learn from them. I was really blown away by the trailer, and the tutorials deliver on the promise. If you've ever enjoyed any movie with "Star..." in the title, you're going to love this course! The lighting alone is worth the price of admission."
Manu Järvinen, Animator, Illustrator and 3D Modeler
“Great dudes! The Material is quality stuff!”
Sebastien Koenig, VFX Supervisor on Open Movie, “Tears of Steel.“
"During the training you will not only learn how to create beautiful space environments but also get to know a wide range of very useful and versatile techniques in Blender and Cycles, that will help you become a better artist, to boldly blend where no one has blended before!"
James Candy, Classy Dog Films
"I know tutorials, and these are some great tutorials. It's gonna be huge."
Guilherme Henrique, Art Director at Blender Guru
"This is not about creating earth, it's about creating the UNIVERSE, and the universe is huge, just like the amount of knowledge on this course. For anyone wanting to create it's own star wars, this is a good start!"
Reynante M. Martinez, CG Artist/Storyteller/Creator of CMV
"When you need some interplanetary Blender resource, Space VFX Elements is THE best that you can get your hands on. It is pure awesomeness on a cosmic level. Funny, witty, and very educational. A must have!"
Andrew Price, Creator of BlenderGuru
"Unorthodox workflows that can be used to make a variety of things in Blender, not just the topic taught. If you want normal stick to Youtube. But if you want timesaving cheats and unlikely but awesome solutions, get Space VFX."
Greg Zaal, Artist, co-creator of the Node Wrangler add-on, and HDRI guy
"Two of the most skilled and experienced Blender artists join forces to bring you hours of both focused and entertaining training, filled with so many "why didn't I think of that" moments that even veteran Blenderheads will be amazed. In other words: How to become awesome in space."
- Primer Tutorials - Gets you up and running with some key aspects
- Project Files - Get all the finished .blend files from each chapter.
- Extra Assets - Additional textures, models and scenes.
Micropolygon Displacement Update
Discover how to use the Micropolygon Displacement feature to take your sci-fi art to the next level. Imagine landscapes, tech panels, alien patterns and other thrilling VFX.
Exoplanet Zoom
Zoom in to the surface of an exoplanet in a step-by-step tutorial.
There's always time to fly through an interstallar nursery especially when equipped with some efficient techniques.
Create the popular sci-fi Wormhole effect. In this video we’ll be relying heavily on procedural animation techniques that works great in real-time.
Bloodflow VFX
To make it a bit more interesting lets see what tips and tricks we can pull out to go all innerspace instead of outer-space and simulate bloodcells flowing inside arteries.
10 Essential UV Tricks For Blender
How to save yourself hours of UV pain.
Blender Setup
When we start a scene there are several things we almost always change, here we’ll go over these and explain the what and the why so it’s all in one handy reference video.

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