Spaceship - Gunship Raptor
About the Spaceship:
This spaceship named "Raptor" is inspired by the Warhammer 40k art style.
It has two side turrets and 2 front power miniguns.
In addition, it can carry a total of 4 missiles on the main wings.
The model consists of many individual parts, each with its own UV setup and textures.
The model has a finished RIG:
- Jet-Compression
- Gears
- Rear Entry
- Top Entry
- CockpitWindow
- Wings
- Side-Jets
- Turret Capsules and it's canon pipes
- front Power Miniguns
Object Data:
Vertices: 33'570
Edges: 67'479
Triangles: 66'806
Vertex Groups: 80
The inside of the ship is prepared to have an interior and a cockpit (both are not included).
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40k ship 3dscifi warhammer 3d-model-scifi aircraft 3d models for scifi Spaceship aerospaceplane