Simple Rigged Hand For Blender, 3D Print Friendly.

by AstroRe in Models

Its a rigged hand using only weights, no corrective shapes are used so its deformation system is rather simple, the bones weights are however painted well enough to support a number of poses. 

I created it so I could pose the hands of my 3d printing character easier and faster, since adding the hands is the most time consuming part of my sculpting process, I thought that maybe some other people could use it to their benefit, its a bare bones hand, but if you are in a hurry for a simple serviceable hand, I think this product will do the trick for you, as it did for my projects.


I manly use it as my base setup for 3d printing sculpting.


  1. I pose the hand into my character arms, do any changes in proportion before hand, so  the hand is slimmer or thicker.
  2. remove the armature and freeze the mesh 
  3. go into sculpt mode and re-mesh the hand and sculpt some more detail into it, and fix any kinks the mesh might have.
  4. Merge hand into the overall sculpt when needed.

I hope you find it useful, Cheers!!

---Change log---

I added a zip with version 1_3

I improved some of the deformations so a claw like shape could be better attained,

and added a animation key so it can be easily used as a start position.


Small deformation fix on the thumb side.

Published 20 days ago
Blender Version 4.1
Render Engine Used Eevee
Misc Data Manifold-Mesh, Rigged, Animated
License Royalty Free
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