Shrinkwrap Multiple (Geometry Nodes Modifier)
Shrinkwrap Multiple (Geometry Nodes Modifier)
!!! This is not a model itself, but rather than a geometry-nodes modifier, which lets you shrinkwrap an object to another object or a whole collection.
With "Shrinkwrap Multiple" you can dynamically wrap around separated objects. No more need to join them together. |
Like Blender's "Shrinkwrap" modifier this "Shrinkwrap Multiple" geometry nodes modifier let's you pack a simple object or a collection (or both, in addition) and uses the "nearest surface point". But not like Blender's Shrinkwrap modifier you don't have to join the objects together. You can keep them as separate objects in a collection and wrap a bounding box cube or a sphere around them. You can adjust the shrinking factor, solidification, material, subdivisions, keep the original boundaries, etc. |
The ZIP-file includes ...
The project file with a basic scene, with ground, wall, camera, light, objects, forces, cloth simulation (baked), animation (400 frames), clear plastic material, "Shrinkwrap Multiple" geometry nodes modifier.
The "Plastic Clear" material and the "Shrinkwrap Multiple" geometry nodes modifier are marked as assets and can be appended from the .blend-file or via the asset browser.
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collection group Geometry cloth dynamic geometry nodes simulation shrinkwrap animation nodes modifier Multiple