Compact shoe racks and ideas for organizing different environments in the house. Its design allows to leave the shoes always in view.
The 3d model is in real size, 39 cm height
The model contains few polygons and does not contain triangles, being able to apply the subdivision modifier and not even distort the mesh.
This model has an open UV mesh and is divided into 2 UV sets, each map has 4k.
EDGES: 12.752
FACES: 6.288
Package contents that you will have access to download.
Blender project files included
Files in OBJ format.
Files in FBX format.
4k textures, PNG format, Base Color, Roughness, Metalic, Normal and Height maps.
You need to use Blender 2.80 to open the project correctly.
Any questions, feel free to contact me by email, social networks or here by chat.
Instagram: @danilo_kstro
Twitter: @danilo_Castro
Thanks for the support.