Shape Key Selector V1.0 - Blender 3.0 Addon (Deprecated)

by Vertex Arcade in Addons

Will you be updating this for Blender 4.0, 4.1, 4.2 etc?
Unfortunately no. The addon works fine for any of the Blender 3.0 versions, but Blender 4.0+ has changed the way addons are installed, therefore the addon won't be installed correctly. I'll release an update to get it to install correctly for Blender 4.1, but after that there won't be any more updates.
I encountered an error, what do I do?

Hopefully it's not too big of an error, just make sure to read the documentation and that all of your shape keys and cameras are labelled correctly. Follow the Quick Start Guide step by step and hopefully the problem won't happen again. If it does, then you can fill out this Google Form and it'll help me fix the problem!

Can I use it with existing rigs?

Yes! All you would have to do is disable/hide the head/face bones for your character, and then start creating shape keys for your different expressions. Then you would be able to create the Shape Key Images in your scene and control the character's face using the Selectors and then you can move your character using the traditional rig!

What Version of Blender will this work for?

I've tested it on multiple versions, and it works as far back as Blender 3.0 but it was developed and most of the testing was done using Blender 3.6. 

Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 6
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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 10 months ago
Blender Version 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License GPL
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