Shaker Trees - Asset Pack Of Trees Compatible With Engon

by 3D SHAKER in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 3 ratings by the community.

  • Markus
    about 1 month ago

    I spent a long time testing the add-on to make sure I gave it a fair rating.

    The quality of the trees is excellent and they look very realistic and detailed in the renderings. I have to give this a big thumbs-up so far. I can also set the seasons using the slider, which is a great feature. The issue is that it only works for the summer trees. If I add an autumn or winter tree, I can't make any changes using the slider.

    As we all know, deciduous trees don't have leaves in winter.

    The issue is that when I switch from summer to winter in a scene, I end up with snow trees with leaves, which is unrealistic. It would have been great if the leaves could have been reduced in the slider.

    Performance-wise, it's pretty good. I'm using a 2022 M1 Mac Studio (64GB) and so far, the performance is fine if you use 'Viewport Shading'. Yes, it can be a little jerky at times, but it's still usable. But I haven't tested it with a whole forest to be honest.

    Result: I have to say, the quality of the trees is excellent. I'm not happy about the change of seasons (leaves in winter) and the conflict that you can't change the colour of winter and autumn trees to 'summer'. Why having 3 tree variations instead of one? It’s not really usable.

    By the way, the documentation is directing to a YouTuber … which is a bit silly if you pay 200+ USD.

    I'd give it a 3/5, as I'd like to be able to change the number of leaves + more realistic summer > winter settings. If this will be fixed, I'd give it 5 stars.

  • Magomed 3d
    about 1 month ago

    Thank you very much! I do love your assets and I am looking forward to it!

  • Helmy Ardiansyah
    2 months ago

    I'm currently working on some exterior animations and looking for the simplest way to animate trees & plants.
    Right now I'm using Botaniq to do that and having 3DShaker assets in my Engon library would certainly expand the possibilities!

  • Displaying 3 ratings

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Choose a product version:

  • $2 Shaker trees STARTER

    5 conifers assets, 10 deciduous assets, 3 bushes

  • $89 Shaker trees LITE

    38 % of Shaker trees + future updates

  • $249 Shaker Trees Full

    100 % of Shaker trees + future updates

Sales 100+
Customer Ratings 3
Average Rating
Published 2 months ago
Blender Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data Uvs-Unwrapped, Animated, Textured
License Royalty Free
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