Scifi Elements Addon

EdenWeby 3D in Addons

Scifi Elements is an awesome plugin for creation of scifi Environments, scifi HUD and so many others, this addon comes with functions that make you animate and customize your scifi elements combination

Ultimate Version Demo

Scifi Elements Demo

How to create scifi HUD Tutorial

Assets in Ultimate Version

in ultimate version you get over 33 assets both animated and static these are premade object good for any scifi scene with alpha channel, that you can use in your scene like progress bars, lightening effects and so many others

Animated Assets in Pro Version

these are premade effects with alpha channel, that you can use in your scene like progress bars, lightening effects and so many others

Scifi Elements

scifi elements comes with 30+ elements you can use on your combination or scene, it also comes with combos that you can use just incase you are not good at designing


  • 30+ Elements and more in Ultimate and Pro version
  • lightning strikes (pro version and ultimate)
  • material editor glow effect
  • Eevee and cycles compatible,, use cycles glare filter for bloom
  • animate easily, rotate, locate, reveal and more
  • easy to organise
  • easy to use
  • easy to customize
  • realistic glow effect
  • 10+ Assets (pro version and 30+ ultimate)

NOTE: only ultimate users will receive free updates on elements, pro users willl receive updates on functionality

How to Animate

to animate your element is so easy, with the Element Animation Panel,

Constant: animates a rotation that does not stop, use reverse option to change direction and axis to change channel of rotation

Function: animates the rotation or location back and forth on the axis provided, amplitude is how far it rotates to go back and period is the time it takes to rotate, take it as a sin math graph or a wave

Reveal: reveals the element from hidden to visible using the build modifier

Material Settings

Noise Value changes the amount of noise in the glow

the glow color strength comes animated with a flicker animation by default, to remove it clear keyframes at the strength of the glow in the material settings

if you do not change this the glow strength wont change to your custom glow value till you change it

For more information or Bug Reports, Send me a message on my Blender Market Store, Thank You

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This addon works so well with my camera plugin Quake Motion Camera for adding realism to your angle shots

  • 40 presets 30 elements, No Assets 10 Combos All functions

  • 70 Presets 38 Elements, 20 Assets 14 Combos with Electric effects and lightening effects All functions

  • 110+ Presets 60+ elements, 33+ Assets, with lightening effects 22+ combos animated advanced animation tools


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Sales 400+
5 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82, 2.81, 2.8
License GPL