Video - Sci Fi Girl Mixamo Animation Test 01
Quick and easy addition of any animation from the Mixamo library! (watch the video: Mixamo Animation Test)
Optimized 3d model with for games and animation
Morph Target for face animation;
Face rig for more realistic animation; Tutorial 1
+ 4 Sci Fi Gadget - Sci_Fi_Glasses_1; Sci_Fi_Glasses_2; Sci_Fi_Smart Visor; Sci_Fi_Mask _1;
Blender 4.3 project with customized materials and two Rigs (UE5 Rig, and Basic Rig);
Rigging and Skinning 3d model;
FK rig (based on the latest version of the Unreal Engine 5 skeleton).
Unreal Engine 5 Epic skeleton;
Included textures in sizes 2048, 4096;
Marmoset Toolbag 4 demo scene;
Triangulation model (divided into triangles) for correct export to game engines;
Three Skin colors;
6 Hair color;
3 different eye color textures!
Four color textures of SciFi clothing;
Unreal Engine textures!
PBR - Base_Color, Ambient_occlusion, Height, Normal_OpenGL, Roughness, Specular,Scaterring and other;
Verts 83,818; Tris 155,571;
Full compatibility of the Mixamo library with the character (Unreal Engine 5 Rig); Tutorial 2(zombie example)
Compatibility with the Cascadeur program for animation; Tutorial 3 (zombie example)
When importing FBX to UE5(Unreal Engine), try changing the settings in the Import Settings window.: 1. Normals & Tangents → Select "Import Normals" o If the Blender model is correct, Unreal should use its normals rather than recalculating them.
Make sure that the Import Morph Targets option is enabled.
In the Blender file, the metric system is configured for export to Unreal Engine! If you need a standard export, correct the metric system in the project to the standard one.