Pedro Henrique de Oliveira
4 months ago
Hi Olaf
Thank you very much for buying it.
There are easy solutions for everything you related here.
The performance issues will happen no matter how good your PC is, because this too uses instances to scatter the hair cards and Blender have a hard time handling it.
In order to add really small fur to your mesh, I needed to multiply the number of the smaller cards to fill the same area.
The easy fix for that, is to just decrease the "Microfur Density Multiplier" while you are painting the Weight Map. You can increase it after that.
I showed this on the video and it reduces the amount of the smaller cards, further improving the performance.
Other thing you can do to increase the FPS, is to check the "Bake Instances" option.
This setting converts the instances to a mesh and it helps Blender render it faster.
To have a smoother length transition for the fur, you can set the brush on the Weight Paint mode, to "Add" and by using lower values. You can also use the "Blur" brush to smooth it.
In order to use the Hair lines to orient the roots of the hair cards, you need to increase the value of the "Use Hair Lines" too.
To change the direction of the tips of the fur, you can check the "Bake Instances" option and Apply the modifier to convert it to a mesh. After that you will gonna be able to sculpt the tips.